Professional Home Inspector in Albuquerque, NM
Make informed decisions about one of the most significant investments of your life by hiring an expert home inspector in Albuquerque, NM. At A C Home Inspections, I understand home inspections are an integral part of the buying and selling process, and I am here to provide you with thorough and accurate services. As a certified professional, I have the knowledge and experience to conduct nonintrusive visual inspections of your home’s interior and exterior, from foundation to roof.

Foundation Certifications
If you are selling or buying a manufactured home, a foundation certification will likely be required. For FHA and VA loans, you will also need an engineer’s foundation certification. It should state that the home is placed on a permanent foundation that complies with the “HUD Permanent Foundation Guide for Manufactured Homes,” dated 1996 by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
A C Home Inspections has partnered with the engineers at Foundation Certifications to provide a turnkey foundation certification service. You may place your order through their website.
Memberships, Licenses, and Certifications
- Licensed by the New Mexico Home Inspectors Board
- Certified by the Professional Mold Inspection Institute (PMII)
- Member of the National Association of Mold Remediators and Inspectors (NAMRI)
- #7483 Level I Certified Infrared Thermographer
- Member of the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors (InterNACHI®)
- IAC2 Certified Consultant
- Member of the International Association of Certified Indoor Air Consultants
Hire Me
As a seasoned home inspector, I have various professional certifications, so you can be confident you are hiring the right person for the job. I provide home inspection, mold inspection, and infrared thermography services throughout Greater Albuquerque and the surrounding areas. For your convenience, I speak Spanish and English.